Bronze Certificate of Excellence
The bronze level is ideal for those who are just starting chess and also those who wish to learn more about the most beautiful of games. The puzzles cover –

  • How the pieces move
  • Position evaluation
  • Captures and checks
  • Basic checkmates
  • Stalemate

The Bronze certificate comes with a large number of puzzle sheets, which test your basic chess knowledge in preparation for your Bronze exam. These puzzle sheets are excellent practice and are available here for you to print off and complete.

Bronze puzzle sheets and answer sheets

These puzzle sheets cover basic chess knowledge – when you can answer ALL of these questions correctly, you are ready for the Bronze Certificate of Excellence exam.

Click on the page you’d like to see:-

1 – Are we ready to start?
2 – Where can these pieces go?
3 – Can you take the black pawn?
4 – Where do the pieces work best?
5 – Getting out of check
6 – Can white castle?
7 – Take a piece for free
8 – Spotting captures
9 – Who is ahead?
10 – Is it checkmate?
11 – Will it be checkmate?
12 – Queen checkmates
13 – Rook checkmates
14 – Bishop checkmates
15 – Knight checkmates
16 – Pawn checkmates
17 – White checkmates in one move
18 – Black checkmates in one move