The numbers are on the rise, 7 juniors with some of their Mums and Dads came along to enjoy the delights of Chess, a warm welcome to two new members, Gagan and Shlok who proved to be promising young players. Constance, Rowan, Jacob, Thomas and Maria all showing signs of vast improvement.
The main topic today was ‘Discovered Attacks’ with a few examples laid out to challenge the thoughts after the lesson.
Leaflets on how to write your moves down were handed out, this is called Notation, so we will practise that next week, as it is important to be able to analyse games to see mistakes and how to improve and you can only do that if you record your moves.
Hopefully, with more new members promised for Saturday we can start some internal competitions just to get the juices flowing.
Many thanks to Natalia for assisting with the coaching,

If anyone else is interested in helping they would be very welcome.
A reminder that Chess in the Library will take place on Thursday afternoons, 2pm till 4pm, so join us if you can just for some friendly games.
Discovered Attack Puzzles
- White to play and win a piece

2. White to play and win a piece

Answers next week!