Our first week at Ferndown Library and 5 juniors came along to learn and expand their Chess knowledge, so many thanks to them and their parents for taking time out as some have other activities going on on a Saturday morning. The facilities are first rate and thanks go to Dorset Libraries for allowing us to use a private room free, this enables the club to give free lessons to all who choose to come along. The library has also mentioned about stacking the shelves with more chess books as they are keen to help promote the club.
As most of the juniors who came are beginners, basic theory and tactics were shown, including the Pin and that tricky Fork with the knight. Puzzles were set up to test their abilities, to which some were solved without too much help. Pamphlets about Pins, Forks, Skewers, Discovered Attacks, Checkmates with Rooks and Queen are free to take home should anyone want any HOMEWORK!?!?
Learning Chess is a long steady progress, it’s not learnt in 5 minutes, it’s very tactical and it’s not a game of luck. To become a really good chess player, one needs to dedicate time and effort towards it.
However, it’s equally enjoyable to just come along and play other children and have fun, no harm in that.
Hopefully in the coming weeks more children will join and experience the delights of Chess. When a few more do come along we can start to hold internal competitions, such as Ladder and Knockout tournaments, which always gets the juices flowing.
Graham Morris